It’s time to examine my plan and determine if there are areas that need to be revised to best meet my goals. By stepping back and reviewing the standards I selected to focus on and revisiting the others I can refine my plan.
What have I learned so far that I can apply in my instructional practice?
This week’s learning resources, especially the DVD chapters on Social Networking and Online Collaboration send home the idea that the benefits I have experienced through the discussion board postings would also extend my students’ learning (Laureate Education Inc., 2009). I need to investigate how to establish a discussion blog for my students.
What goals am I still working towards?
After reviewing the National Education Standards for Teacher (NETS-T) the two indicators that I chose to become more confident and proficient with are
Standard 2: Design and Develop Digital-Age Learning Experiences and Assessments Indicator a: design or adapt relevant learning experiences that incorporate digital tools and resources to promote student learning and creativity
Standard 4: Promote and Model Digital Citizenship and Responsibility Indicator a: advocate, model, and teach safe, legal, and ethical use of digital information and technology, including respect for copyright, intellectual property, and the appropriate documentation of sources (ISTE, 2008).
I feel both goals I selected will be ongoing, I can’t forsee checking the box and being “finished” with either. This GAME plan will encourage reflection and revision as I continue to monitor my progress and my students’ as I introduce new tools and model and develop traits of good digital citizenship.
Based on NETS-T, what new learning goal will I set for myself?
The new learning from this class, especially this week brings me to revisit Standard 1 and add that to my GAME plan. This Standard, Facilitate and Inspire Student Learning and Creativity addresses integrating both collaborative tools and problem solving experiences in learning activities. I can see that the standards can be interrelated and Standard 1 will correspond well to the other two in my plan. The lesson plans I am currently developing on problem-based learning and collaborative tools fit right with this standard.
What learning approaches will I try next time to improve my learning?
Beyond this class I will continue to collaborate with teammates and colleagues, I have found learning from and with them to be an extremely beneficial experience. I also realize collaboration can be extended beyond the walls of my school through blogs and online collaboration sites with other teachers. Now that I am aware of online tutorials I will continue to take advantage of participating in those to continually discover new digital tools to use.
Laureate Education, Inc. (Executive Producer). (2009). Integrating technology across the content areas. Baltimore: Davis, V.
National Education Standards for Teachers (NETS-T) located at
Carolyn Doyle
This weeks learning has, like youve expressed, expanded the walls, to think of the outside world and how to collabarate with them. Learning how to use collabarative tools in a way that suits the needs of the studnets and is managable can be a challenge. Good luck on your very well expressed goals and future. You will be a coninous life long learner, technology seems to have you hooked.
ReplyDeleteJered Phillips
Thanks for the encouraging words, Jered. I look forward to getting started using collaborative tools with my students. You are right - the key is finding ways to use them to meet students' needs in a manageable way. I think like everything else, I will increase my confidence and comfort level with them the more I use them.
ReplyDeleteCarolyn Doyle
You are so right! It is so very important not only to find out what your students need but to meet them where they are at and take them where they need to be for the next level of learning. Good job!