Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Social Learning Theories

Social learning theories connect constructivist theory with interactive learning activities. According to social learning theory, learning occurs as students create products while collaborating with others.  Collaborative activities such as Webquests enhance the learning of the students participating. Additionally, products such as multimedia presentations or websites created collaboratively might possibly used as a teaching tool to enhance other students’ learning. As students learn and create together, the product can be a learning tool for others. The internet is a powerful tool supporting social learning theories as students and others beyond the classroom can serve as resources as well as learning partners. As students share ideas collaboratively, their ideas are furthered and enhanced, resulting in greater understanding and complexity of thought than if considered individually. Similarly, collaborative efforts with students contributing their individual strengths in a group setting can result in greater quality products or artifacts than an independent project. Students construct meaning as they learn and create while working together.


  1. Carolyn,
    I was wondering, do you use WebQuests with your students? And if so how often. I have used them in the past, but only maybe 2 times a year. It's hard to get computers in my classroom to use them so i never really write lessons to go with a WebQuest unless i find one that i really want my students to do.

  2. I used this online activity which has a lot of characteristics of a WebQuest with my students this year.

    We were studying weather and this was a great culminating activity for our unit. My students were creating weather podcasts and working at different paces on that project. When they completed their podcasts, they moved to this online activity. They worked in partners and small groups of three. I hope this next year to incorporate more webquests and online activities.

